Gross revenue increase by 8.5%.

Net Property Income (“NPI”) increase by 4.6%.

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【地產專題】零售租值減 維持高派息 房託求變 衝破瓶頸

iMoneyiMoney – 2016年4月6日週三香港時間下午12:19

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viewpointtaiwan 四月 29, 2016 Dr. J(錢世傑)專欄作家


山林中荒廢的法律小屋版主 Dr. J(錢世傑)

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【樂透人生】弄懂這個數字 減少奮鬥二十年

2015-08-21 20:34

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DPU of 1.26 cents in 3Q FY15/16

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Singapore-listed industrial REIT, Cache Logistics Trust, announced on 22 April that it has recorded a distribution per unit (DPU) of 2.039 Singapore cents for its 1Q FY2016, a fall of 5.0% compared to the 2.146 cents paid in the corresponding period of 2015.

Distributable income for the quarter amounted to SGD18.2 million, up 8.6% year-on-year. Correspondingly gross revenue for the period increased 32.7% to SGD27.9 million while net property income (NPI) rose 12.0% to SG22.05 million.

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25 April 2016


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Reits Data

Reits 即時股價

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新加坡REITS 清單 參考

新加坡REITS 清單.jpg


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